How many types of insurance are there in Pakistan?


The insurance industry in Pakistan is known to be a highly competitive market. The Pakistani insurance industry is perceived to be the most chaotic and confusing of all other parts of the economy. This leads an owner to think that it's quite difficult to understand the ins and outs of coverage, what it covers, who is eligible for coverage and also whom to approach for getting some kind of coverage. There are different types of insurance in Pakistan.

This is because every country has their own rules regarding terms and coverage. This article will let you know about the types of insurance available in Pakistan. There are a huge number of different kinds of insurance in Pakistan and it can be hard to know what type you need or what are the best options. In this article, we'll look at the most common types of insurance and make you aware of them.

Health insurance

Health insurance is a form of protection that covers medical treatment, hospitalization and other health-related services. Insurance companies are in the business of making money by pooling risks across many people. Insurers use data collected from past clients to determine how much the risk pool will cover for future clients.

Health insurance can be purchased on an individual or group basis. In both cases, the policyholder pays for their share of the premium costs out of their own pocket. The insurer then compensates them for receiving care when needed.

With individual health insurance, you are covered for everything from routine doctor visits to major surgeries. Some plans may even cover pre-existing conditions and children up to certain age limits (depending on how old your child is).

Group health insurance provides coverage for large groups of people who want to share the cost of health care expenses among themselves. This can make it cheaper than individual policies because more people are paying into the pool instead of each person paying individually.

Health insurance is required by law in Pakistan. You need to have health insurance if you are working in Pakistan and your employer has made you a member of the staff.

The government has set up an organization called the National Health Insurance Company (NHIC) to provide health care coverage for all Pakistani citizens. The NHIC has been operating since 2002 and was established under the National Health Insurance Act 2005 as a public company limited by guarantee with equity shares to be held by the Government of Pakistan.

Health insurance companies cover various diseases, treatments, surgeries and hospitalizations. If you have any serious illness or injury, you can get treatment from any hospital in Pakistan without paying a single penny yourself.

 However, it is important that you take out insurance before any accident or illness occurs because there is no way of knowing what will happen later on when it comes time for paying your medical bills.

Life insurance

Life insurance is a contract between an insured and an insurer. It provides financial protection for a lifetime against the risk of death or permanent disablement due to accident, illness or old age.

Life insurance policies are designed to ensure that your family can continue to provide for you and your dependents in the event of your death. Life insurance can be divided into two categories: term life insurance and permanent life insurance.

Term life insurance policies are designed to provide a lump-sum death benefit in return for guaranteed premiums for a specific period of time (usually five years). The policyholder may withdraw their premium at any time during this period without penalty but will receive only a proportionate share of any benefits provided by the policy if they do so before the end of this period.

Permanent life insurance policies offer ongoing payments as long as you are alive and healthy, but they typically have higher premiums than term life policies because they generally have more restrictive terms such as reduced benefits or no benefits after policy maturity.

Life insurance is a type of insurance that pays out money to beneficiaries upon the death of a policyholder. Life insurance is available for many different purposes, including retirement planning, estate planning and income replacement.

Life insurance can be divided into two main categories: term life and whole life policies. Term life insurance is more expensive than whole life coverage because it has a lower cash value that needs to be paid out at maturity in the event the policyholder passes away before they reach the age of retirement.

 Whole-life policies have no cash surrender value and therefore provide more protection than term policies because there are no cash values attached to them. Life insurance is a contract that provides a lump sum payment to a beneficiary in the event of the insured's death. The most common types of life insurance are whole life, universal life, and variable universal life.

Whole Life Insurance: This type of insurance pays off the face amount for the insured at the insured's death. The premium is paid for as long as the insured is alive, often with no changes in premiums due to inflation or interest rates. If you die during your term, the policy pays out the entire balance minus any amounts already paid out by your beneficiaries.

Universal Life Insurance: This type of insurance pays off a certain percentage of your policy balance each year until it reaches maturity at age 65. The premium may increase over time with inflation, however, it will never increase above certain limits based on your age or other factors such as disability.

Variable Universal Life Insurance: Variable universal life insurance offers a guaranteed minimum payment schedule so long as you stay under its limits but with potential additional guarantees that can be added on to your policy if needed (such as disability coverage).

Property insurance

Property insurance is an important part of your property coverage. Property insurance covers the cost of repairing or replacing your home, as well as any personal possessions you have in it.

Property insurance protects you against the loss of your home and contents due to fire, theft, vandalism and other catastrophes. It also covers damage caused by natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and tornadoes.

You can choose from a variety of property insurance policies designed to meet your needs. Property insurance is sold by private companies and through mortgage providers who may offer additional protection products on top of the standard policy.

Property insurance is coverage that protects your property against damage caused by fire, theft, or storms. It may cover the cost of repairs and replacement of items lost during a covered event.

Property insurance can be purchased as an optional rider or as a stand-alone policy. If you opt for a stand-alone policy, you'll need to pay extra for a building and content policy as well.

Property insurance is one of the most important types of insurance in Pakistan. Property insurance covers you against losses caused by fire, lightning, theft and vandalism. It also covers a wide range of other perils, including storm damage and earthquakes.

You may need to buy property insurance if you’re renting a home and your landlord has already made his or her own arrangements for this. You might also need it if you have a mortgage on your home.

Most policies include cover for buildings up to two storeys high and for apartments up to four storeys high. You should make sure that your policy includes adequate coverage for things like glass breakages and water damage from burst pipes.

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is a form of coverage for the unexpected. It helps you cover the cost of your medical care and repatriation if you are injured or sick while travelling, as well as paying for an emergency airline ticket home. Travel insurance can also cover theft from your luggage, cancellation due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances.

Whether you're going on vacation or business, travel insurance covers many situations that could cause you financial hardship if they don't get covered by another plan.

Travel insurance can help you cover unforeseen costs that may happen when you travel abroad. It provides you with emergency medical care, emergency evacuation and repatriation, and covers theft and loss of passports.

It also covers emergency services, including repatriation home, transportation to your destination, accommodation during your stay and assistance in finding alternative accommodation if necessary. The coverage is usually for temporary illnesses or injuries that are not related to the primary reason for travelling.

 You need to make sure that there is enough coverage for these events and that it covers pre-existing conditions. In Pakistan, insurance companies have to offer a number of different types of insurance policies to cater for all your needs.

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is an essential consideration when you are planning a trip abroad. If you are travelling with a group, there will usually be travel insurance included in your tour package.

However, if you are travelling on your own or with friends or family members then it's always best to check that they have adequate cover. You may also want to take out cover before leaving home so that if something goes wrong while away you can claim it without any problems at the airport.

Accident and Sickness Insurance

An accident or sickness policy will provide cover in case of an accident or illness whilst abroad. It will also ensure that if you are injured during a trip then medical care is provided and any medical bills are paid for by the insurer.

Agriculture Insurance

Agriculture insurance is a type of insurance that protects farmers against crop failures and other losses due to natural disasters, weather changes, pests and diseases. The agriculture insurance policy covers crops and livestock against loss due to natural disasters, fire, hail damage, storm damage, flooding and other perils.

 Farmers can purchase this insurance at affordable rates from us by availing of our agricultural insurance plans.

Agriculture insurance is the type of insurance policy that protects the crop and livestock against natural calamities like hail damage, floods, droughts, locusts and pests. It provides coverage for losses that occur during the growing season as well as during the storage, transport and marketing of crops.

Agriculture insurance also includes crop failure insurance (FFI) which covers you in case of a loss due to unexpected weather conditions or natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes or cyclones.

Agriculture insurance is an insurance product that protects farmers against any losses suffered due to natural calamities, crop failure or other unforeseen circumstances. It covers crops, livestock and seeds during their growing period. It also includes the production of animals (livestock) as well as the loss of animals during transportation or at the time of slaughter.

The major risks related to agriculture include:

Drought - A drought occurs when there is insufficient rainfall or rainfalls are extremely deficient in quantity or in duration, causing insufficient moisture in the soil to sustain plants and crops.

Rainshock - A mainshock refers to a severe thunderstorm accompanied by heavy rain or hailstorms which can cause serious damage to property and crops.

Frost - Frost refers to a temporary condition of low temperature which is caused by cold weather conditions such as low temperatures, low wind speed and low humidity. Frost kills plants by freezing them over for short periods of time causing damage to both plants and fruit development.

Vehicle insurance

Vehicle insurance is a type of insurance that protects you and your vehicle against financial losses caused by accident, theft or fire. It also covers the damage to your vehicle caused by natural disasters.

The most common types of vehicle insurance include:

Comprehensive cover - This provides protection against collision, fire and theft. Comprehensive cover will not only protect your car but also any other vehicles that are in the same ownership group as yours.

Third-party liability - This is where you are legally responsible for any accidents that involve another person's property or injuries. Third-party liability covers can often be combined with comprehensive cover to provide full protection.

Vehicle insurance in Pakistan is mandatory for all vehicles. The vehicle insurance covers damages and losses of the vehicle, which are caused by any accident or mishap.

The insurance policy should be purchased from a reliable and reputed insurance company, which will provide you with all the necessary documents in order to claim the money if your vehicle is involved in an accident. Vehicle insurance in Pakistan is mandatory for all vehicles. The vehicle insurance covers damages and losses of the vehicle, which are caused by any accident or mishap.

The insurance policy should be purchased from a reliable and reputed insurance company, which will provide you with all the necessary documents in order to claim the money if your vehicle is involved in an accident.


In Pakistan, there are different types of insurance those are Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Motor Insurance and Property Insurance. Basically, Insurance is protection against future losses. There are various types of insurance schemes you can consider in Pakistan. Some are life insurance, motor insurance, term insurance, health insurance etc.

These instruments help you to protect your loved ones and your assets. A lot of people might not know what these things actually mean but this article will definitely provide them with the information they need to have an idea about the whole insurance scheme.

Insurance has become the need of the hour and almost every professional, individual or businessperson finds it necessary to get it. Insurance benefits you by securing your future and that of your loved ones. Here is a list of insurance types, their uses and benefits.

 The short and long answers will be given in an easy-to-understand manner. When people start talking about insurance, it can get confusing fast.